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Europa Turnén - ALLA LÄNDER

Codys Europa Turné

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Washington D.C

Instagram bilder från Andrew, Matt & Angie!

Nothing like waking up to a BANG. @codysimpson fell out of the top bunk #woozy

Backstage of #believetour with @codysimpson and @andrew50watt last night

The Aussie Gang!

New Campaign @allisimpson @codysimpson

Bahamas @codysimpson

Good boy Codster! Walking Tommy's girl into class... #beautifulmemories @codysimpson @cindyivan


mornings by the ocean, yes.


last night's lights

I want to take her to the beach & I want to sing her favourite song to her. I want to listen to the waves crash & I want to watch the clouds pass by. I want to kiss her on the sand & I want to fall madly in love with her


I wanna honor your mother, & I wanna learn from your pa. I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw.

concrete jungle.

she was already in Paris for breakfast when I woke up.


in the sky


Boston I see you. this mall is going crazzzzy. here I come

winter fresh <3

Victoria Duffield - They Don't Know About Us feat. Cody Simpson (Official Music Video)

Victoria Duffield - They Don't Know About Us feat. Cody Simpson (Behind The Scenes)

Washington D.C 5/11 - 12

Atlantis, Bahamas 3/11 - 12

Cody Simpson - I Won't Give Up (Jason Mraz Cover) LIVE




welcome to paradise

Kickin It In The Bahamas

ocean and sky • welcome to paradise, welcome to the bahamas.


TWIST Exclusive: TWIST Hangs Out with Cody Simpson at Build-A-Bear!

Backstage Pass with Cody Simpson & Victoria Duffield

He Says, She Says

He Says:
1. Guy like girls with some confidence. (Not too much confidence though, they find that annoying!)
2. A girl that has her own identity.. (This means, she has her own charms, her own way of being different from other girls.)
3. Obviously, guys like girls with good bodies (not too skinny, but healthy/fit). As my brother says.. “Every girl is beautiful in their own way, and there is a guy out there for every girl.”
4. Guys like girls who don’t flirt with every guy at a party. (Girls who are themselves, and just can have fun!)
5. Guys like girls who are fun-loving and don’t take themselves too seriously. No drama queens!
She Says:
1. I say, girls don’t want guys to act like jerks around their friends or a in a group of people, but act like themselves around everybody, especially you. MAJOR turn-off if a guy changes like that.
2. I think it’s very sweet and it really makes a girl notice when a guy does nice things for her, and I’m not saying stalk her or do everything for her, but it is very cool when a guy surprises a girl with just little random acts of kindness.
3. We were all waiting for this one.. Yes, us girls do like guys with a good body, and good looks! But I think it doesn’t have to be perfect, because I don’t like it when guys care too much about their appearance. We do like a boy that looks after himself though, (i.e. showers regularly, stays fit)
4. I find it cute if the guy talks to a girl first, and it’s a nice feeling when a boy texts me before I text. My friends agree, it lets a girl know the guy is thinking about her.
5. Girls like guys who are funny. Guys that have a great sense of humor are super cute. We like guys that we can just have fun with!
- Alli Simpson