Cody Simpsons Tour Diary Day Two

Cody Simpson, the “Adorable Aussie” as we call him, has agreed to give Popdust the low-down on life on the road during his “Waiting for Paradise” tour: The good, the bad, and the breakfast. We’ll be speaking to Cody on the phone and turning his words into daily tour diary entries. In Day One, we experienced a truly manic Monday – A TV appearance, two meet-and-greets, and a show. In Day Two, we peer into a more chill, introspective day. Read on for Cody’s musings on ketchup, tweets from celebrity crushes, and gifts from fans (a ceramic chicken, specifically).
Wednesday, February 22nd
Ok, I’ll get to that later. I didn’t have a show yesterday, so it was a day to chill. And eat. I woke up feeling great, not sick anymore. I had my Special K again, it’s my morning habit. No berries this time! I eat too many berries, I might turn into one.
I went to the gym for a little while – A lot of upper body work. I’m a little sore. But, you know, I keep on going. My security guard Jeffrey Traynor is also a personal trainer. He posted a picture of my protein drinks with carrots and sharpies [to his Instagram]. Not sure what the deal is there…

We went to a nice lunch at a cafe in Charlotte. Had a nice wrap, a nice protein shake to go with it. Replenishing after my work you, you know. Had a nice dinner too with all the tour dudes, my sister, my family, all 20 of us. Pasta Pomodoro. But enough about food…
…Okay one more thing about food. Ketchup makes everything better. I put it on a lot of things. I put it on my salad. There, I said it. The weirdest thing I’ve put ketchup on is strawberries. Very nice flavors actually, though I don’t think I’d go back there again. I’ll try it with watermelon next, I think. Ketchup makes life more delightful, doesn’t it?

My sister’s about two feet away from me at the moment. She’s not allowed any closer. Just kidding (kinda). We barely have arguments, but I monitor her boyfriend situation very closely. She’s allowed to see people, but I like to intimidate them. When she’s chilling with them, I like to screw around with them. Make sure they’re not fast. Or suspicious. Y’know, make sure they’re well-mannered gentlemen, good enough men for my beautiful sister. All of my upper body work will surely intimidate them.

I missed seeing my fans today. The craziest gift I ever got from a fan was a ceramic chicken. A chicken. Made of ceramics. We thought it was so absurd that we took videos and now it’s a D-List celebrity. C-List even! It has more than 10,000 followers on Twitter. It’s on tour with us now. I think we’ll play with it tomorrow.
Last night, Jessica [Jarrell, my tour mate] and I continued watching Harry Potter. We’re on the 5th. She’s into it. We’re just friends, for the record. I’m single. I love having my family on the road with me, but it can get lonely. No women in my life right now, but I always talk about what a crush I have on Eva Longoria. And Jessica Alba. I don’t have posters of them on the bus or anything. I just think they’re very, very beautiful that’s all.
SO, out of nowhere, Eva tweeted at me AND retweeted another person’s tweet about me. I was like, “What happened?! What did I do?!” Maybe I should tweet at Jessica Alba…

p.s bilden ovanför fanns inte med i inlägget men jag la upp den så man förstår lite bättre! d.s
I’m a little sore from my work-out right now, but, you know, if I’m gunna get a girl like Eva…