Bilder från Cody's French team

We did some shopping before returning @CodySimpson #FranceWantsCody

It is well! #IMustBeInHeaven #FranceWantsCody

In the studio with @ CodySimpson ... The dream!!! ##FranceWantsCody

It is ToyRUs Times Square! @CodySimpson not yet arrived but is @codysimpsondoll!

It is! For now private meeting for a few lucky! #FranceWantsCody

A few interviews before the book signing. #FranceWantsCody

And go for the book signing! #FranceWantsCody

Wahooooooo! Here @CodySimpson will play tonight! # FranceWantsCody

@CodySimpson is rehearsing for the concert tonight.

It is madness here! #FranceWantsCody
Förlåt om det är dålig översättning men dem skrev på franska och jag kan inte franska så jag använde google translate! ;)
