#CodyToEurope var en TT worldwide igår

Bloggen fyller 1 år idag!

Exakt är det ett år sedan vi startade bloggen! :) Vi är så glada att ni fortsätter läsa och kommentera våran blogg. Det gör oss super glada och det är mycket roligare att blogga när man får snälla kommentarer. Hoppas ni gillar bloggen!
The Swedish Cody Source

Cody ska vara med i Punk'd

Instagram bild från Tobias
we run Beverly Hills @codysimpson
Teen vogue shoot @codysimpson

the local joint

Cody och hans australienska kompis Tobias!

Bild från StephenGlickman

Bild från Kalia Prescott

Instagram bilder från Matt
@codysimpson doing what he does in the booth
@Scooterbraun from recording to dance rehearsal. @codysimpson works non stop. Kid is a pro.

sometimes you gotta take leaps in life #paradise

The Fairest Celebs Sparkle at Mirror Mirror Red Carpet

Welcome To Paradise - flashbacks

#PARADISEJune5 var en TT worldwide


Cody ska uppträda på Easter Egg Roll iår!

Instagram bild från Jake
Would you like to join us for lunch?

Prince Tom showed me through a telescope, his next vacation destination.

Q102's Springle Ball 2012 Tuesday, May 22nd Wells Fargo Center

J-14 Exclusive: Cody Simpson to Perform at T.J. Martell Family Day

Family Day will be hosted by Bridgit Mendler and Carrie Keagan of VH1's Big Morning Buzz Live and will take place on April 22 at Roseland Ballroom in New York City. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit tjmartellfoundation.org.
If you live in the New York City-area, are you going to see Cody Simpson at T.J. Martell Family Day?

Music Madness Vote On The Best New Act Of 2012

Win It! Hop DVD and Cute Bunny!
The fun and festive movie Hop, starring an adorable rabbit voiced by James Mardsen and featuring music from Cody Simpson, comes to DVD today!
We have 5 DVDs and 5 plush rabbits (as seen below) to give away! To enter, just send an email with your mailing address to [email protected]. Use HOP in the subject line!
Popstar! spoke with Cody recently about his work on the film—he recorded an updated version of “I Want Candy” (which Aaron Carter also covered in 2000—the original song is from 1965!) for the soundtrack. We asked Cody if he felt like there was extra pressure to get this song right since so many people are familiar with it.
“Yes! I was like, ‘Oh no! I have to live up to everyone’s expectations!’” says Cody. “It’s such a great song and all the parents know it so when their kids are listening to it they’ll be like, ‘Who is this guy trying to remake my favorite song?’ So it’s a lot of pressure on me in that way, but I think I put more pressure on myself then they did. I try to stay relaxed.”
Cody also told us that Hop was his first movie premiere!
“I didn’t know what was going on,” explains Cody. “I was very new to the industry thing. I was just this kid from Australia who was kind of introduced to this whole other world. I’ve adapted to the craziness of Hollywood now. It was a very cool experience and I love new things and I love being able to experience things that most people don’t get the opportunity to do.”
Klicka här för att anmäla dig till tävlingen.
OBS! Vi har inte tävlingen utan det är Popstar.com som har anordnat tävlingen!

Cody med i April numret av M magazine


Cody tweetar om Justin's nya låt BoyFriend

#FranceWantsCody - Episode 5

Instagram bild från Kendall Amyre

#CodySimpsonUstream var en TT worldwide för 1 timme sedan!


Austin Mahone sjunger en bit av Not Just You!
Spola fram till 40:26, någon sekund efter det så börjar han sjunga Not Just You! :D

Cody Simpson chats exclusively to Girlfriend!

On the eve of his appearance (and nomination!) at the US Kid's Choice Awards in LA, Cody took time out to chat to us.
Girlfriend: Congratulations on your US KCA nomination, what's the coolest thing about being nominated?
Cody: This is my first nomination for a US KCA award. It was huge thrill for me to win 3 awards last year at the Aussie KCAs and to perform at the award show and to now get some recognition in the US KCAs feels great. Feels like I must be doing something right!
What do you look forward to when attending the KCA?There is always so much energy in the room. The hosts are always hilarious, the performances always great and it is grand seeing people of all ages laughing and having fun. It seems like you can’t be too young or too old to enjoy the show.
What is something not even your most loyal fans know about you?I'd rather just stay a mystery!
Do you miss Australia? Or would you call yourself a US citizen now that you spend so much time there?
The status on my work visa in USA says: O1 - Alien of Extraordinary Ability; weird huh? So I guess that means I am not considered a US citizen! Perhaps a citizen of Mars! Haha. I am enjoying living in the US and doing what I love to do with my career however I will always call Australia home.
What do you miss the most about Australia?My friends and family back home mean so much to me and I miss being able to see them as often as I would like. I also miss the beaches of the Gold Coast and watching the sun rise over the ocean before going for an early wave.

What's next for Cody Simpson?
Right now I am in the studio in LA working really hard on finishing the debut album. I hope to get it out in early June before my tour of the US from July to September. I really hope to be back touring Australia as soon as I can after that. This month we are also shooting a video for my single So Listen feat. T-Pain so we are working hard on preparation for that. Can’t wait to release that video.
If you could work with any artist living or dead who would it be?I would do a huge collaboration with Elvis Presley, Justin Timberlake, Jack Johnson. They all have inspired me in some way so it would be crazy to be able to have them all in the same room at the same time. Shame we can’t all live forever but these people and their contribution to music will.
How do you prepare for a possible sliming at the KCAs?I definitely don’t wear my favourite suit! No matter how you much you think you can, there is no way to prepare for that moment when you get slimed. I've been slimed many times. It's cold, wet and slimy. Having said that, I would rather watch someone else get slimed than get slimed again myself!
Who will you be taking as a date to the KCAs?
The most recent red carpet i walked was a movie premiere and I took my Grandma as my date. Grandma had a ball and she became a #1 trending topic on twitter for the day. Hopefully for the KCAs this year I am going to have a good mate from Australia visiting me in LA so I will take him along if the timing works out. Obviously not a date, haha.
If you were to win, what would you like to say to everyone?My fellow competition are all amazing people and big stars. I am a fan of each and every one of them so I would be truly humbled if I happened to win. My swimming coach always said, "Don't be writing your victory speech while the race is still on".
The US Nick Kid's Choice Awards will be held in LA on March 31st, 2012, and fast-tracked for screening locally on Nickelodeon on April 1st.


@thejakethrupp @giorgiagreen my best mates for life. #home


Instagram bild från Alli

Blessed to have you bro. You're always here for me. Thank you. You're the best, brah. Love Ya. #GCFinestForever. ..

Cody Simpson - Not Just You - GloZell Green

Harry Potter and a princess?

Instagram bild från Brad Haugen
Look who @jsmanson found at the mall - @codysimpson @justinbieber #swag

New Arrivals i Cody's store

Cody Simpson - Taylor (Jack Johnson) Acoustic

Cody är cover på tidningen Teenzone!

#SoListenToCody var en TT worldwide på twitter

Grandma Simpson is GCF var en TT worldwide idag

Instagram bild från Georgia
Take me back..

Svar på fråga är Jake Thrupp och Georgia Green ett par?
Nej Jake och Georgia är inte ett par. De är bara bästa vänner! :)

Cody Simpson and his grandma at "Mirror Mirror" Premiere (photos)

Cody Simpson and his grandma at "Mirror Mirror" Premiere (videos)


#ParadiseWillBePerfect var en TT worldwide idag!

Can you spot Cody?

Instagram bilder från Jake
Y'all should be buying and listening to this. Help put this at top ten!
We are the people who make the tasty cake. Call 1800-CAKE to order your delicious cake.


Cody Simpson Gets His Toys ‘R’ Us Moment

It’s been a busy week for Cody Simpson. The tween dream from Australia released a new single, “So Listen,” a collaboration with the hip-hop star T-Pain, and is in the studio wrapping up his first album. And he announced plans to join Big Time Rush on its summer tour. Next on the 15-year-old Simpson’s ascension to pop idol: the cover of a Toys “R” Us catalog.
In addition to being a popular singer with millions of fans, and one who’s helped sell millions of copies of conventional magazines like Teen Beat, Bop and J-14, Cody Simpson is a popular brand as well, with 16 licensing deals for a wide array of products. Toys “R” Us is putting his face of on the cover of its annual catalog, which comes out on Friday, to promote an exclusive line of dolls, clothing and accessories.
“We are thrilled to serve as the ultimate Cody Simpson destination,” said Lisa Harnisch, general merchandising manager of toys at Toys “R” Us, which is planning in-store appearances with the singer this spring. “We want to have everything the tween girl really craves.”
The toy line was introduced in December by a small toy company called the Wish Factory, based in Montclair, N.J. Fashion dolls came first, followed by singing dolls that played clips from two songs, either “On My Mind” or “iYiYi.” More toys are planned, according to Wish Factory, including a singing microphone with a karaoke mode for singing duets with the singer.
The toy line has been a hit for his legion of fans, who were creating their own Cody Simpson merchandise and bringing their handmade T-shirts and jewelry emblazoned with his name and likeness to his mall appearances, said Sara Nemerov, senior vice president for consumer products and brand licensing at the Warner Music Group, the parent company of the singer’s label, Atlantic Records.
“It’s just another aspect of what we’re doing with Cody as a music artist, another branch of his brand,” said Chris Stang, vice president of marketing at Atlantic Records, which is gearing up for a busy year of promotions for the singer. Beyond his appearances on the shelves of Toys “R” Us, his debut album, which is yet to be titled, will be released this summer from Atlantic, and his tour starts on July 5 in Columbus, Ohio.

Cody svarar på frågor genom Uinterview.com

Q: What is your favorite part about going on tour? - Juliana Marler
A: Every night is always incredible. Honestly, my favorite part is going in front of my fans every single night and seeing them smiling, waving their hands and crying, singing along to the songs. It's an incredible experience that you really can't explain to someone unless they've kind of experienced it for themselves; it's such a unique thing. I love it very much. The worst part is getting sick, having to still kind of get out there every night and do the best show you can.
Q: If you could take up another instrument, which would it be? - Lesley
A: I'm currently teaching myself the piano.
- Q: Do you ever remember fans? Or the girls you bring on stage? - Leanne De Vries
- A: I do, I do. Every once in a while there's a fan that really sticks in my head.
- Q: Tell us about the inspiration for your songs. Where does it come from? - sabrina angel
- A: Usually they come from experiences that I've had myself. I like to make sure everything I'm singing about is coming from the heart, you know? There's a lot more to singing and a lot more to being a singer than just singing a song, you know?
A: My family is very chill, very relaxed. Everyone kind of stays out of the whole business thing. I think that they're around all the time and I think it's important to have such an encouraging and supportive family. We're all here for each other and I'm very grateful to have that.
- Q: What is it like to watch the very first YouTube video that you did now that you've had so much success? - romina filippelli
- A: I do that sometimes. I mean, sometimes I'll go back and I'll watch what I did a couple years ago and be like, 'Look at how much I've improved.' Obviously I'm just going to think, 'Ah, I'm not very good, I could've done it so much better.' But you know, [those videos] got me to where I am now.
- Q: What's the craziest thing a fan has ever done for you and did you enjoy it? - Brooklyn Cohen
- A: Every show, pretty much, something crazy goes down. I always find it hard answering this question because I've had so many experiences. My fans in general are just very dedicated and spend so much time making scrapbooks and posters and such. They'll tell me they've been working on this scrapbook, which is this huge thing, for months. It's absolutely crazy how much work they put in. Out of everything I've done so far, it's for them. I write a lot of my songs about them, definitely a lot of inspiration for what I do.
- Q: What's it like working with Big Time Rush? - Jenna Vander Veen
- A: It's gonna be cool. They've invited me to be a special guest on their tour this summer. We're gonna perform in front of a lot of people, some big crowds and some great opportunities. I've got nothing but great things to say about them. They're a great support for me. I'm very excited for this summer.
- Q: Now that you have a puppy, does that affect your life and do you take him on tour with you? - Sophie Kirkman
- A: We try to take him everywhere we go, which is difficult sometimes. He's another member of the family and we treat him that way. We haven't had a dog in a little while; my little brother loves him.
- Q: Can you just tell us a little bit for the wider American audience that might not know as much about you, how you got your start before YouTube and then how you went from You Tube to being the star that you are now? - Uinterview User
- A: A lot of family and friends would always come over and I'd play the guitar, sitting around barbecues and stuff. I was only six years old at the time, but it was always something that I wanted to get involved in. I was like, 'Oh, I wish I could sing those country songs,' and all that stuff. It was just something that I wanted to be involved in ever since I was younger. My grandparents bought me my first guitar and I just kind of fell in love with it all. Ever since then, people always ask me, "Were there ever any artists that inspired you to sing or keep on going with it,' but no, it's simply my love for it. It's very simple as that. Then I posted this duet with my friend, and someone caught it on video and put it online. Then I created an account and put it up online myself and everyone was like, 'Who's this kid, sitting the playing guitar?' And they asked me, a lot of people, hundreds of people asked me to post more videos or whatever. I got excited myself — if I had 100 views, 200 views or whatever. It just kept rising and it was just like, 'What's going on? This is crazy how fast things are happening.' Before I knew it there was a bunch of record men looking to meet up. This producer flew me to the States and it kind of just started from there. I took a bunch of meetings, and it happened from there really.

Cody’s A-List Love!

The Gold Coast cutie, who’s currently working on his new album Stateside, has nabbed himself the ultimate A-list fan club!
After dropping his hot new track ‘So Listen,’ featuring T-Pain, this week, the 15-year-old has received a flood of support from a host of showbiz buddies.

First up, his studio pal and fellow tween icon Justin Bieber tweeted,
"shoutout to lil bro @codysimpson for his new single So Listen today with @tpain . good job buddy."
And Brit boyband The Wanted sent their support from across the pond, adding,
"Our mate from down under @codysimpson just released his new single #SoListen. Do yourself a favor and buy it!"
Meanwhile, his rumoured girlfriend Kylie Jenner, who was recently romantically linked to the young hitmaker, proved her loyalty, writing,
“Just bought #SoListen on iTunes! Can't stop listening to it! Everyone needs to check this out."

And she made sure to get her superstar family on board too, with sister Kendall adding,
"Bought my friend @CodySimpson song #SoListen on iTunes this morning. So good! Everyone go out and get it!!!"
Followed by Kim Kardashian, who gushed,
"OMG!!! Just bought @codysimpson 's #solisten on iTunes! You guys have to check it out!!!"
And Khloe, who raved,
"Wooohooo I just downloaded my dingos new song #solisten on iTunes! @codysimpson I'm going to buy you a spriteeeeee. I love it!"
Well, it certainly pays to have friends in high places!
- www.mtv.com.au/


So Listen - Cody Simpson (iPadCovers)

just wrapped on the #Paradise photoshoot, for the album! very successful day.
eating peanuts on Alli's new purse

Instagram bilder från Matt

Alli Simpson - So Listen


So Listen skin!

Om du beställer ett "skin" som ska skickas utanför USA så kostar frakten 6.95 $ och cirka 50 svenska kronor. Klicka här för att beställa ett "skin".

Svar på fråga om Cody och Kylie Jenner

Cody Simpson at The Hunger Games Premiere (photos)

Cody Simpson & Kylie Jenner Split: He Tells Us, ‘I’m Single’

HollywoodLife.com caught up with the 15-year-old Aussie singer, who dished about his current love life (he’s single!), working with Justin Bieber and his newly released single — ‘So Listen’ — at ‘The Hunger Games’ premiere
One of the last times we chatted one-on-one with Cody Simpson was last fall at The Twilight Saga:
Breaking Dawn — Part 1 premiere, which was the same event where he hit it off with Kylie Jenner — who he ended up dating for a few months. However, the 15-year-old Aussie pop star told HollywoodLife.com exclusively at The Hunger Games premiere in Los Angeles March 12 he’s currently on the market.
“I am single,” Cody confirmed. As to what YOU can do to win his heart, he said it’s simple: “Be yourself. If you want to be anyone in this world, be you.”
We also chatted about Cody’s highly-anticipated collaboration with Justin Bieber and the progress they’ve made on that.
“I’ve been in the studio a couple of times,” he said. “We’ve got some great things. Some great ideas…[but] it has to be the right song. Collaborations I think can’t be set. If a great song comes out from all the work, [then that is good].”
Be sure to check out Cody’s new single with T-Pain, “So Listen,” which came out today and is FANTASTIC. (Seriously, we’re listening to it on repeat).

Cody Simpson at The Hunger Games Premiere (videos)

Instagram bild från Matt
Kings V Wings w/ @codysimpson

Instagram bilder från Alli
So Listen - Cody Simpson Feat. T-Pain! #class
Cody said I should smile more in pictures. He also said he should sleep more in pictures.

I only sleep in pictures now, and Alli only smiles.
gentleman status
Life Is Good.

So Listen tweets:

#SoListen is out on iTunes now!

At the Hunger Games!

Har ni läst Hunger Spelen? :) Själv har jag läst första boken och håller på med andra, böckerna är super bra och jag rekommenderar dem verkligen.

So Listen har släppts!

Cody Simpson - So Listen feat. T-Pain [Audio]

Instagram bild från Hailee

Valentine- Cody Simpson {Cody Doll Version}

Fanlala's intervju med Cody
Fanlala: You’ve got a single set to drop next week featuring you and rapper T-Pain, can you tell us about the feel of the song?
CS: I’m very excited, it’s a little more mature compared to the things that I’ve done in the past, but the fans are still going to love it. I’ve been working on the song over the course of the year, and I can’t wait to drop my full length album ‘Paradise’, I’m very excited. I’m actually exploring the world of dubstep right now.
F: You’re like the Easter Bunny of toy stores, leaving your signature on Cody dolls for kids to find. Do you just walk up to the front register and ask if you can sign Cody merchandise?
CS: Actually I really don’t ask, I usually just go in an sign. Usually no one really sees me. There was this one time this worker saw. I thought I was in trouble, and I just held up the doll and awkwardly said “Oh… hi… this is me.” It was a really funny experience. Afterwards I usually tweet about the store and let my fans know where I was and where they can pick up some newly signed dolls.
F: Everyone knows “I Want Candy”, it’s a time honored classic. It’s been covered by some big names in the past. How did it feel to be chosen to perform the song for ‘Hop’?
CS: It was incredible. When they approached me, I was just like wow. I always put a lot of pressure on my music and myself in general. There was a lot of pressure and expectations with the song. But when I sent it in, Universal loved it and fell in love with it. It was very exciting.
F: Having recorded a song for the movie, why would you recommend families check out ‘Hop’ this spring?
CS: I think they did an incredible job, it’s a genius idea for a movie. I was so pleased to be part of such an incredible and successful Easter movie. I saw it with my friends and family in theaters. It’s definitely a movie that everyone can enjoy.
F: Being an artist, everyone wants to know what you have playing on your playlist. Can you tell us what your top three songs are right now?
CS: Right now I would have to say “Beautiful People” by Chris Brown, “From the Clouds” by Jack Johnson, and “It Don’t Matter” by Donavon Frankenreiter
F: Every week, we run an app article. Is there an app on your phone or mobile device that has helped you out lately?
CS: There’s this app called Around Me. It’s great to have when you’re out and about. You just type in what you want, and it helps you locate what you need around.
Svenska: Cody Simpson har ett enorm år framför honom. Hans nästa singel släpps nästa vecka. "Hop", med Cody omslag av den berömda "I Want Candy" hits hyllorna senare denna månad. Hans nästa album väntas senare i år, och han är berädd påatt turnera med Big Time Rush på sommaren! Fanlala fick chatta med den unga sångaren. Ta reda på vad han hade att berätta!
Fanlala: Du har en singel att släppa nästa vecka med dig och rapparen T-Pain, kan du berätta om känslan av låten?
CS: Jag är väldigt spännande, det är lite mer mogen jämfört med de saker som jag har gjort tidigare, men fansen kommer fortfarande att älska det. Jag har jobbat på låten under loppet av året, och jag kan inte vänta med att släppa min fullängda "Paradise", Jag är mycket entusiastisk. Jag håller faktiskt på att utforska världen av dubstep just nu.
F: Du är som påskharen i leksaksaffärer, lämnar din signatur på Cody dockor för barnen att hitta. Går du bara upp till framsidan registret och fråga om du kan signera Cody varor?
CS: Faktiskt så frågar jag inte riktigt, jag brukar bara gå till en skylt. Vanligtvis ingen ser mig verkligen. Det var den här gången arbetare såg. Jag trodde jag var i trubbel, och jag höll upp dockan och pinsamt sa "Åh ... hej ... det här är jag." Det var en riktigt rolig upplevelse. Efteråt tweetar oftast om butiken och låter mina fans veta var jag var och var de kan plocka upp några nytecknade dockor.
F: Alla vet "I Want Candy", är det en tid hedrad klassiker. Det har omfattats av några stora namn i det förflutna. Hur kändes det att väljas för att framföra låten för "Hop"?
CS: Det var otroligt. När de närmade sig mig, var jag precis som wow. Jag lägger alltid mycket press på min musik och mig själv i allmänhet. Det var en stor press och förväntningar med sången. Men när jag skickade in den, älskade Universal den och blev kär i den. Det var mycket spännande.
F: Efter att ha spelat in en låt för filmen, varför skulle du rekommendera familjer kolla in "Hop" i våras?
CS: Jag tror de gjorde en otroligt jobb, det är ett geni idé för en film. Jag var så glad över att vara del av en sådan otrolig och framgångsrik påsk film. Jag såg det med mina vänner och familj i biosalongerna. Det är definitivt en film som alla kan njuta av.
F: Att vara artist, alla vill veta vad du har att spela på din spellista. Kan du berätta vad dina tre bästa låtar är just nu?
CS: Just nu skulle jag säga "Beautiful People" av Chris Brown, "From the clouds" av Jack Johnson och "It Don't matter" av Donavon Frankenreiter
F: Varje vecka kör vi en app artikel. Finns det en app på telefonen eller mobil enhet som har hjälpt dig på sistone?
CS: Det är det här app som kallas Around Me. Det är bra att ha när du är ute. Du skriver bara vad du vill, och det hjälper dig att hitta det du behöver runt.

serenading the beautiful @MirandaKerr. sometimes I wish I wasn't 15, haha.


Take Care - Cody Simpson Jessica Jarrell (drake cover)

Cody Simpson Feat. T-Pain - So Listen - Full Studio Version!

Bilder från Cody och Alli's Ustream

Cody och Alli ustream 10/3

#CodyAlliUstream var en TT worldwide igår!

Titta på Cody's Ustream här!

Cody Simpson - Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Ställ frågor till Cody @ Uinterview.com

#wewantcodyonkca var en TT worldwide idag!

tog bilden ifrån @loveCodyAlli

Cody och Alli har ustream imorgon!

Det är 23.00 svensk tid! :D Tror ni han kommer spela So Listen, eller vad tror ni han kommer göra/säga och så under ustreamen? Ni kan titta på ustremen nedanför imorgon.


Heta bilder på fina Cody Simpson

Frågor till oss?
Har du en fråga så fråga oss på bloggresponse, vi väntar på era frågor!
Om du går till vänster spalten så finns det en frågelåda och det är där du frågar din fråga! Så här ser det ut:

So Listen cover!

Instagram bild från Alli
gent•le•men, (jén'tl-men) 1. Men of gentle or noble birth or superior social position; 2. Well-mannered and considerate men with high standards of proper behavior. @codysimpson, @thejakethrupp.



#SoListen släpps om 6 DAGAR!

Egentligen är det 5 dagar kvar eftersom han skrev det "igår" i amrekansk tid. För just nu är klockan 08.00 på morgonen och eftersom han skrev för 17 timmar sen så blir det 5 dagar! :D haha ännu bättre. so excited for the song!!

Cody's nya twitter bakgrund! Det är hans cover till singeln So Listen, feat T-pain. :)

Don't I have the greatest sister? Hahaha
Kony 2012. #change

Alli's nya site!

KONY 2012

Hot photo!

Cody Performs "So Listen" on FOX 5 in DC! (23/2/12)


Behind the scenes bilder från Music Choice

Cody has made it!
@Clara143_ har gjort videon! Gå följ henne, videon är ju fantastisk! :D

Kai & Ryley Harland singing One by Cody
Gud vad söta! :D Hittade en video på Cody och Alli's kusiner Kai och Ryley som sjunger One. Det finns fler videosar när dem sjunger One och Triller på Jodie's kanal. Jodie är Cody's moster.

#GCF at Melodifestivalen

Cody Simpson And iCarly's Jennette McCurdy to be on Nickelodeon's 'Bucket and Skinner'
Cody Simpson recently posted a photo of himself and iCarly's Jennette McCurdy hanging out on the set of Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures. The two looked liked they were having a blast, and sported a couple of fake mustaches for the camera.
There's no word on when the episode will air, but it's certain many are waiting in anticipation. They took to Twitter to share their excitement, and Bucket & Skinner star Ashley Argota responded with this tweet:
"Coming soon, keep watchin' RT @SammiLove_143: isn't there an episode of B&S where @CodySimpson performs or am I mistaken? :3"
That's a bit mysterious, but a good way to keep Cody Simpson's fans on their toes and tuned in.
Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures follows two surfing buddies (Dillon Lane and Taylor Gray) who spend their time riding waves, meeting girls, and getting into a little trouble along the way. The show airs on Nickelodeon Saturday nights at 9/8c.


real men on immaculate fashion. something to strive for. #classic

Cody at Justin's 18th party

Cody tweets bout Justin's 18th birthday party


Instagram bild från kim kardashian

Cody at the Iheartradio Theater in NYC with Big Time Rush and Rachel Crow

Instagram bild från Alli

Lovely Beverly

haha so true!

Instagram bild från Alli

Cody's Angel Hoodie
En ny angel hoodie i Cody's web shop! Klicka på bilderna för att komma till hans web shop. :) Den kostar 45$ och det blir ungefär 300 svenska kronor!


#2MillionAngels trendar just nu på twitter worldwide!

Cody har över 2 miljoner followers!

Instagram bild från SWRV

#IWantToHoldYourHandCody var en TT worldwide igår!

Tog bilden från @awesomeCodys på twitter.

Köp nya Frida och få ett autografkort med Cody's autograf

Nedanför ser du austografkortet med Cody på i förstoring! Man får 30 autografkort med massa olika kändisar. Det är Frida nr 5 2012. Gå och köp den så du får Cody's autograf :D

Grattis tweet till Justin!

Bilder från iHeartRadio Theater in NYC with Cody Simpson, Big Time Rush and Rachel Crow


Happy Bornday to my best mate Jake Thrupp @thejakethrupp. You've always been there for me mate. #class

Happy Birthday tweets till jake

Happy Birthday Jake!
Grattis Jake. Idag fyller Jake 15 år. För er som inte vet så är han Cody's bästa vän från Australien! :)

Instagram bilder från Matt
@codysimpson why so serious during sound check?
@codysimpson @bigtimerush and @rachelcrow announcing their summer tour at iHeartRadio Theater

Instagram bild från Jake
Bornday - (noun) the day in which an individual is born.

Bild från Ceramic Chicken

Bild från Vanilla Ice

Pastry Sizzle Spring Summer 2012
Cody är med i slutet! :D